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The Saturday Journal: You didn't have to, but you did.


Good morning Lord, 

Thank you for waking me up to another morning.  You didn’t have to, but You did. 

I washed my hands last night. But there’s still dirt under my fingernails from yesterday’s labor–from digging in the soil–pulling weeds--planting flowers and repotting succulents--from moving leaves and other compost from one flower bed to another.  And I think about how many times I have tilled these two areas and then winter weeds take over again.  How much money I have wasted in that one area and nothing seems to stay for long–but weeds.  And gardening--just like in other areas of my life–I learn.  It may take awhile–but, I learn.  

I was sad to have to dig up the lavender plants that didn't survive the winter. They have been so pretty for several years.  And the birds are in the choir this morning making a joyful noise unto You–a choir I want to have a belonging.  

And my spring Virginia bluebells--beauty such as this can only come from Your touch.

I heard a message from Bible teacher and Pastor Max Lucado a few days ago and it was a good one. “Pausing on Purpose” and the scripture he read was Psalm 90–a prayer of Moses.  Psalm 90, verses 9, 10 and 12 reads–We spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Threescore years and ten–70 years…

And then Mr. Lucado challenged his congregation and listeners to do this–’take the age you are now and calculate the number of days until you are 70 years old.' And he made sure to say, many of you are way past 70 and are blessed.

So, I took the time to do the calculations--the days, hours and minutes and although we aren't promised tomorrow--the numbers, my numbers–they were hard to see in ink–definitely something to think about. And looking at those numbers at any age–a person’s mind can go in many directions–sadness to shock to well, I have a long time to I need a change to I don't want to waste another second.

And God, I can make a list a mile long of what I would like to do with my days remaining–ever how many that is–but there’s this one thing I don’t believe I have ever done and I’m doing it now–this very moment…

God, thank you for creating me. You didn't have to, but You did. I know I have lots of faults and failures, too many to name–I have hurt people–made wrong choices–I’m too negative at times–I speak when I shouldn’t, and sometimes I should speak out, and I don’t. And I ask for forgiveness daily–I know you probably get tired of me asking.  But, just thank you Lord.

The words You gave C.S. Lewis, in his poem, "All Thinking" I agree wholeheartedly--I can say the same,  “I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; For to have been born in God’s thought and then made by God is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.” 

And God, thank you for the dirt under my fingernails. 


I desire your prayers! Creating a magazine has been on my heart for ten long years!

And prayerfully it will be coming in the fall!

A Beautiful Grace Magazine will be filled with stories of people who are quietly making a difference. Their stories will bring tears, praise, and joy, and will leave you asking yourself--what is my calling--

how can I do more with this one life I have been given.

More details and a sneak peak of some of the first edition's stories coming soon!


A humble thank you for reading The Saturday Journal.

My prayer for The Saturday Journal is that my thoughts and stories will always glorify God--first and foremost and those who read them will be blessed--encouraged and inspired.

My hope and prayer is to share stories on The Saturday Journal every Saturday or at least bi-weekly--

but always on Saturdays.

If you would like to have The Saturday Journal come to your email box, please subscribe to A Beautiful Grace blog and newsletter at

All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer.

1 comment

1 Comment

Apr 13, 2024

I can’t wait for the magazine. May God richly bless you as you continue to follow His lead!


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