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The Saturday Journal: LOVE


There was a line to order food and he was a couple feet taller than her.  Standing next to her and her husband, he stepped out of line—waiting on his friend.  And when his friend came back to the line–she took her wrinkled hand and placed it on his arm–their skins–hers’ white with aged spots and his–a dark brown.  She gave him this gentle nudge—guiding him and his friend back in line—in front of her and her husband. 

Ironically, I had just closed the pages of a book I had been reading about sharecroppers and in a time in history when the scene I had just witnessed–wasn’t likely to have happened.  And I had to choke back a tear at this tender moment. 

And here we are on Maundy Thursday standing in this small town diner and I saw the love of Jesus through this lady’s kindness. I saw the Last Supper. Putting others first with a simple gesture of love.  Jesus–with His disciples–washing their feet–breaking Bread–sharing the Cup--giving thanks–serving them with His hands–His unselfish love–putting others first.  

Author and Biblical scholar Charles Spurgeon wrote this about Jesus’ love, “To be a man was something, to be a man of sorrows was far more; to bleed, and die, and suffer, these were much for Him who was the Son of God; but to suffer such unparalleled agony–to endure a death of shame and desertion by His Father, this is a depth of condescending love which the most inspired mind must utterly fail to fathom. Herein is love! And truly it is love that passeth knowledge.”  

On Good Friday, Jesus–He took His last breath–it is finished.  And Joseph went and begged Pilate for His body–burying Him in a new tomb.  The women followed Jesus beyond death–they followed Joseph to the tomb.  And then they went  home—to prepare spices and oil for His body. 

And Saturday–it was silent.  It was the Sabbath on their Jewish calendar. And there was no work to be done–a day of grief–a day of mourning–a day of rest.  

But Sunday was coming.  Sunday was surely coming! 

And Mary Magdalene appeared early on the first day of the week and to her surprise–the tomb was empty–and she wept. Guarded by two angels, they said unto Mary, “Woman, why weepest thou?” (John 20:13 KJV).

And then Jesus asked her the same, “Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She supposing him to be the gardener. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto Him, Rabboni; which is to say Master." (John 20:15-16 KJV)

Sunday came–Resurrection came. And the writer of the book of Hebrews shared this--where Jesus is today, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  (Hebrews 12:2 KJV)

And there is no greater love–

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17, KJV) 

And there is no greater love--

Spurgeon added, “The love of Christ in its sweetness, its fullness, its greatness, its faithfulness, passeth all human comprehension.” 

And Apostle Paul wrote to the church of Ephesus, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19 KJV)

And I walked to my car and thought about the two young men sitting down to their lunch and the older lady and her husband enjoying their spilt-fried hotdogs.  I wanted to go back inside the diner and tell her thank you–thank you for showing me today–of all days–a glimpse of Jesus’ love and His sacrifice of putting others first–but I didn’t.

I didn’t have the words. 


I pray each of you and your family have a blessed Resurrection Sunday.

A humble thank you for reading The Saturday Journal. It's a great blessing to serve you in this way.

My prayer is to share The Saturday Journal every Saturday or at least bi-weekly--

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All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer.

1 comment

1 Comment

Mar 30, 2024

Thank you for sharing the love of God in such a special way!


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