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The Saturday Journal: In the Woods on a Snowy Day

There’s two snowbirds playing in the holly bush–not a worry in the world–they know who takes care of them. 

I came to the woods today–actually this is my second day this week visiting these woods.  Yesterday brought our first snowfall in what seemed like forever. And the ground is covered in new–clean--with fresh tracks from deer and racoons and the tiniest of birds’ feet.  

It’s peaceful here–quiet and light snow continues to fall.  The leaves are rattling softly–some are swaying, and some seem as though they are trembling in fear. Or perhaps they are chilled. Or perhaps they are dancing in this winter storm. I prefer dancing. 

We all have these–places that give us comfort–peace--joy.  And yet, we have places–hard places in which we find ourselves troubled–smothering–anxious. Grief and hurt can affect us this way–so deep so that even a building can bring back memories of harsh words–images–sadness. 

I was in one of those places not long ago–ringing my hands–my stomach churning. The four walls were closing in from the pain of past memories.  A very wise young woman stood close by me in this place and she turned to me and said, ‘You need to make peace with this.'

And my daughter didn’t say–you have to make peace with this as a direct command–she said, ‘You need to make peace with this.’ The words we use--how we speak our words--it all matters

She’s right. I know this all too well. I need to let it go. Make peace with this. It’s been far too long. 

We left and her words kept ringing loud in my soul.  

I brought a chair to the woods on this snowy day–the log where I normally sit was covered in a powdery mix of snow and ice. The sunlight–so bright, it glared off the blanket of white. It was a beautiful blinding at times.

God, I know You are near.  

This is one of my favorite places on earth.  Here a dog barks in the distance.  A screeching crow calls high overhead and I know there are deer in these woods.  I’ve seen their tracks–heard their displeasure–snorting  and blowing when I get nearby. And I’ve seen them from a distance. And I’ve seen them up close.  

One fall day a few years ago, I was in these very woods and turned and there she was–this young doe behind me–watching me. I asked her where she came from and her ears twitched. She stood still for a brief moment–long enough for me to raise my camera and take her photo.  And then she ran off–safe in the deep of the woods–her woods. 

I pray I never lose the wonder–the awe of these woods–

And I sit here in the chill of a Sabbath afternoon–in the heart of the woods–in the silence. The air is crisp. There’s a layer of snow beneath my feet, but I am not cold. I sit and pen words–a prayer with an honest request. Dear God, Help me to have peace with this–help me to let it go.

And I recall Jesus’ words, written in red–Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (Matthew 11:28)

I was never meant to carry this burden alone–this load--for this long.

And you, my dear friend–whatever you are carrying–you aren’t meant to carry your load–your burdens alone either. 

The sun is on a slow descent–its glow sparkles on the covering of white. My boots play their notes of a song while making tracks of their own–on the familiar path--toward home.  And I am content–thankful. And the chair–I found a safe place for it between two trees–leaving it for another day. 


Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

Psalm 54:4


A humble and heartfelt thank you for reading The Saturday Journal.

I am grateful for each of you and for your kind words and encouragement.

My prayer is to share The Saturday Journal every Saturday or at least bi-weekly--

and the stories shared here in this space will bless you in some small way.

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All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer

We spend our years as a tale that is told.

Psalm 90:9

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1 Comment

Jan 18

We all have things that are hard to let go. Praying for physical, spiritual and emotional peace.


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