The Saturday Journal: Dear Taps, You Were a Good Cat
Dear Taps,
You weren't supposed to be my cat.
A stray we figured—a kitten. And you had been hanging around Daddy and Mama's house--trying your best to climb on Daddy’s truck and that was a big NO!
I was visiting one day and Daddy, he was irritated with you and before I got in my Jeep to leave, he picked you up and placed you in my back seat. And he said, ‘Here, take this cat and do something with it.’ I was like, what am I supposed to do with it?! I was more of a dog person--not a cat!
And you cried—meowed--all the way home--eight minutes to be exact.
I made a plan while I was driving--while you were voicing your displeasure—I made a plan. I had a plan. At the time I was living close to my cousin’s house and she loves cats—she had a few of her own. And I just knew she would take you.
So I pulled into my drive and got you out of the Jeep and decided to check the mail before taking you to visit my cousin. And here you came--following me to the mailbox--your little paws on the heels of my every footstep. I picked you up and took you into the house and I watched you explore. I watched you sleep. And the next day I went to Walmart and bought you a bed and food and everything you needed. I gave you a name—Taps. Because you would move your front two paws like you were marching—like a soldier.
We moved a few months later and you settled in without any complaints. You were a good cat, Taps. You were gentle and loving—when you wanted to be. You were stubborn and strong. And you were fierce—standing your ground against the other neighborhood cats--especially when they tried to steal your food. You were ornery at times—a cat’s nature, I believe. And over the years you made me mad. I made you mad. It was a "love" -“not so loved” relationship on some days. Like the time you pooped on the porch and I stepped in it. I just know you got a big laugh out of that. Guess you didn’t like the new “senior” cat food and that was my payback.
Every day when I came home from work, I would stop at the mailbox first, at the bottom of our driveway—and here you would come--greeting me--welcoming me home. Our neighbor said they had never seen a cat that would take walks with their owner. But you did—quite often.
You were a good mama, Taps. You, with your one litter of kittens. And one of your babies lived a long life and was a spoiled cat—loved by her owners. Another baby—a boy—he was a gray and white beauty—a feral from the get-go. He ventured to the road one day and didn’t come home. Willy—he was a rebel and somehow I knew he wouldn’t be staying long. I was on my way to work and saw him in the middle of the highway--less than a mile from our house. And as always, I called my Daddy for help and he went and rescued Willy and later, buried him.
Remember the story I told you about Daddy and him being upset with you—well he came around and you did too. Here's how the story goes—He and I were standing out in my driveway one day talking and you came over and began walking close circles around Daddy's legs--your tail curled--your voice purring. And Daddy reached down and picked you up and said with a half crooked smile, ‘I don’t like cats—but cat, I like you.’ And he stroked your fur and then, gently placed you back at his feet.
Taps, an average lifespan for a cat is 14 years and here you were a few months away, from turning 20. And healthy for the most part.
I knew you were slowly dying Taps—for the past year—I knew. And all I wanted--was for you not to suffer and die peacefully at home. And on Tuesday, February 20th—National Love a Pet Day you took your last breath and my prayers were answered.
My mind may have been prepared for this day. My heart was not.
I will miss you, Taps.
You were a good cat.
I hope you knew how much you were loved—
A humble thank you for reading The Saturday Journal.
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All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer.
Taps living until 20. Definitely a family member. I sit writing this with Fox the cat on my lap. He is young, only six, but is the Taps in my life. Your loss is felt in my heart.
What a beautiful love story!