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The Saturday Journal: Acknowledgements. A Giving of Thanks


He said, 'What's your name?'

And I told him.

'I used to know a Tommy Lackey--went to school with him,' he added.

'That was my Daddy,' I replied with moist eyes.

'He was a little fellow, but boy could he play some baseball.'

And I smiled. 'Yes, sir--he sure could.'

He went on to say he was supposed to graduate with my Daddy, but joined the Air Force a year earlier. And on his arm was a reminder of his service--inked deep in his skin. And I knew right then and there I wanted to know more of his story.


My first short story book, The Saturday Journal, a Collection of Stories, Volume One will be available soon. It contains twenty-one short stories--pieces of my heart--pieces of others. Included in the book is an acknowledgement page--a letter--my giving of thanks.

I want to share my letter--my acknowledgement page a little early--my gratitude with my heart full--my giving of each of you--

I never set out to be a writer or even claim to be a good one now. But what I learned over the years is the writer is nothing without the story and without those who share their voices.

A little over twenty-four years ago, the sports editor of my local newspaper asked me to take a few photos at my daughter’s high school softball game. Back then I called myself much more of a photographer, a hobby one at that. And that small assignment of photos turned into working as a stringer as a sports photographer.

Until—the following fall. It was a damp cool evening—one I’ll never forget. Standing on the sidelines of a high school football game at Elkin High School and this same editor gave me a clipboard and said, ‘Here, I want you to learn to keep stats and take notes of each play for the story. I’ll take the photos.’

Okay—what was I to say!? The whistle sounded, and the first quarter ended. And I turned to him and said, ‘I hope you’re not going to try and write the story from my notes and stats.’ He replied, ‘No, you are.’

I got through it and I’m sure the story was bad—maybe more than bad and there was a lot of editing done on his part. After that, I began working as both the writer and the photographer for multiple sports and writing occasional feature stories on high school athletes.

It wasn’t long after that he left the newspaper—took another editor’s job for a magazine in a nearby city. And I continued to work as a freelance sports and feature writer for the newspaper for several years along with working for more editors and assistant editors. Each of them continued to give me the support and encouragement I needed.

Here’s the thing I’ll always remember and treasure though—this sport editor, he took a chance on me. He saw more than me standing behind the lens. And for that I will be forever grateful.

This “chance” was one of the reasons I went back to college as an adult majoring in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. There I learned about oral histories and more about the importance of storytelling. And once again, I had the support of college professors and advisors who instilled a belief in me—they believed in me more than I did myself.

I can’t begin to list the names for it would be certain I would forget someone. But for those in my past as well as now, those who are faithful to read my blog and to those who share encouraging words—I am forever grateful.

I want to extend a heartfelt and huge thank you to Danielle Addington Hudson, owner of Created by Coffee Designs. You have added your beauty and touch to the first volume of The Saturday Journal: a Collection of Stories and I could not be more thankful for the blessing of working with you.

To all my loved ones and friends, and to those I have met along the way who have allowed me to step into your life and share your story, thank you.

And as always, thank you to my family who mean more to me than they will ever know. I love each of you dearly.

And to my Creator, You have given me the greatest Gift, Your Son Jesus. This gift of writing—it is not mine—but yours. All praise and honor—I lay at Your feet.


I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,

Philippians 1:3


A humble and heartfelt thank you for reading The Saturday Journal.

My prayer is to share The Saturday Journal every Saturday or at least bi-weekly--

  and the stories shared here in this space will bless you in some small way.

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All photos @copyright Tathel Miller, unless otherwise credited to another photographer

We spend our years as a tale that is told.

Psalm 90:9



Nov 16, 2024

I can’t wait for your book to be available to purchase. Your stories are always a blessing!

Nov 18, 2024
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Thank you, Kathy! ❤️


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